Sunday, 21 February 2010

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I used a few different pieces of technology in the making of my magazine. The two most prominent things I used were a camera, and Adobe Photoshop CS4.

I used the camera to take all of my photo's. I also used a scanner to upload picture of my guitar plectrums.

Adobe Photoshop CS4 is a piece of image manipulation software which I used for the creation and editing of my magazine. To the right is a screen-shot of my double page spread in Photoshop. This screen-shot shows several of the features used in the making of my product. On the right is the 'layers' bar. Layers are useful in Photoshop. They allow you to edit one section of the image without altering the rest of the image.
Another feature visible is the 'rulers' and 'guides'. Along the image are blue lines. These are guides allow me to accurately place images and text and keep them in line with each other.

Other technologies I used included Internet web pages such as Flickr and Blogger. Flickr I used to upload pictures for analysis. This website allows me to put 'notes' over sections of the image to write my analysis. This allowed me to indicate what I have done without too much clutter.

I used blogger to showcase my research, preparation, finished product and evaluation. This was useful because it is easy to use and easy to navigate, both as the user and a viewer of the work. The labels allowed me to easily categorize my work so they could be found with minimal effort.

1 comment:

  1. Have you enjoyed using Blogger and Flickr? Do you think they are better than handing in a traditional evaluation? Would you have said more in an essay? Try to compare the traditional education methods with these newer. "Web 2.0" ones.
